For three months since February, idol survival show CHUANG ASIA THAILAND has made a sensation in entertainment internationally, spawning topics of conversations online about each episode and its talented trainees. Most recently, the show has reached its final stage with the nine members QIAO YI YU, RUAN, PAILIU, YEAN, ELYN, WANG KE, XUEYAO, DIDI, and EMMA are now set for their debut as a full-fledged international girl group, next A-Pop idols called ‘Gen1es’ (Ge - Nies). Along the way, CHUANG ASIA THAILAND’s popularity as well as viewers’ enthusiasm and engagement went from strength to strength towards the end of the season as reflected by a total of 500 million votes for the nine winners on WeTV application whereas the hashtag CHUANGASIA topped NO.1 X trending hashtags in Thailand and #CHUANGAsiaGrandDebutNight has been mentioned over 1 million times.
Standing As the 9-member Girl Group 'Gen1es', Embodying The 9 Winners
Representing the 9 winners from CHUANG ASIA THAILAND is QIAO YI YU, a trainee who got the top votes of 80 millions, revealed her feelings after her debut as the center of ‘Gen1es’ as saying: “I feel extremely delighted and grateful for all the fans of CHUANG ASIA, all the crew members, WeTV and the five mentors who give inspirations and share their experiences. From now, my job is to do my best to give happiness to my fan club who always supports me and recognizes our girl group.”
Jackson Wang, Lead Mentor and Co-producer of CHUANG ASIA, commented: “I am greatly delighted to have served as the lead mentor and co-produced CHUANG ASIA the first season in Thailand. Our intentions were to extend opportunities and support aspiring talents to pursue their dreams. Whether their performances were good or bad is not as important as how they embraced and kept alive their opportunities during the past three to four months when all of them must have had memorable times and experiences, no matter success or failure. Their performances during this show are never the ultimate conclusion of their true potentials, though. I hope all of them gained plenty of experiences, thoughts, and inspirations, and remember these meaningful moments and experiences. I believe very much that all these can be the first step of their international success—experiences that will be really helpful for self-development into the next version of themselves.”
Mentors Confidence in Gen1es' Future Success
The four other mentors—all-rounder idol Mike Angelo, singer Jeff Satur who is known for his unique voice, internationally renowned K-pop idol TEN, and the show’s only female mentor Nene—all rejoiced with the first milestone reached by the nine trainees who made their debut as a full-fledged girl group. They all shared a confident that these promising talents would make a big time in this career.A retrospective full-season library of episodes from CHUANG ASIA THAILAND are viewable exclusively on WeTV at For the latest news and updates about the newly debuted girl group Gen1es, visit their official channel below.
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Weibo : Gen1es官博
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